Friday, December 22

La da da da~

It's YES!
Haven't bought anything so far...
...That is things on sale.
But seriously, I hardly find good thing on discounts.
It is frustrating.
It is always like that.

It's flooding (??!)
Thank God it doesn't effect my house.
Still, sorry for those who get affected.
And had to be transferred elsewhere.
I didn't know Melaka is affected.
Because I dun find it fond to read papers online.
And I rarely watched the news.
They called me from Japan asking which part here is flooded.
Then I knew after went tru here :P
Lucky they asked.
If not I won't know Anugerah Skrin is tomorrow.
I'm soo katak bawak tempurung.
Seems dat the title 'katak' reflect me much since high school :D
Nevertheless, I'm proud being one.

KTK..Kolej ulung di negara Malaysia,
Kami pelajar bersumpah,
Akan teguh patuh memeliharanya,
KTK, kolej mulia berjasa,
Moga2 tuhan memberi rahmatNya,
Sentosa KTK CLapCLap~
So that is the school's song :D

I'm bored. Bai~


Anonymous said...

i dah tak igt dah lagu sekolah i mcm mane :p ..

salwabee said...

hahaha, irna, semangat kolej gell..
tp, aku mmg rasa lagu skolah kita best la. :D

tapi, aku tak sekatak ko, aku tau melaka, johor banjir, hehe.

irizis said...

Ape ni Sal!!X semangat coll ar kau nih!! :P