Friday, January 22


i am sure everyone has watched avatar. if u haven't seen it, most probably because u're damn busy or do not haf anyone to accompany u for 3hrs (almost). well, dat is not wat i want to blog about today. it just dat, i watched avatar, and it happened that 1 of the characters is incapable to walk normal-ly... which is what i encountered for the last 3 days. i didnt loose my legs but i lost the capability to walk as breezely and as easy as i was before. yes yes i admit dat it is my fault. i make myself 'legless' for not doing the usual basics. i suffered dis for 3 days straight. my pace was very small. i hate dat everyone who walked with me had to follow my ever slowest-test speed of walking. i climbed up stairs like old man. the descending part was even worst! i am slower than old woman..with cane!! yerp2. i am not exaggerating. i am writing the nothing but the truth painful experience.
So I am expressing MuchMuch gratitude to Wati for having to think of a brilliant idea to ease the pain. The treatment was at night. And the next day I can lari2 anak. Oh! that was my most happiest(notice the plural-ness.shows how muchos happy i was) day ever. so i understand how jake sully was so excited when he first got into his avatar body. hehehe.
Today, i can go down the stairs without having to turn my body to a certain angle and not having to put 2 feet at a step anymore :D But I dont want to stress my dear legs. Gonna treat it with care as I have kickoff meeting this weekend. God knows what the activities will be nanti.

oh! i haf a date! a very important long waiting date. hope i get wat i always wanted. iA

oh! sis bruised her siku from skating. she unlike me was smart enuff to gugel-d n yahu answer-d and yerp... her treatment was the same as mine :D

oh lapa la!


Wawa said...

...continue la ice treatment tuh. sapu2 sket.
angah pon same!

Anonymous said...

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