Monday, January 24


Since I changed my job, I noticed that i have been watching my diet and lifestyle. No I am not fat, i just need to watch my food intake and exercise more regularly. Since I have decided to be healthy in everything (it's my 2011's resolution), I am thoroughly following some routines. So far alhamdulillah, I am still on track.
Among the things I need to follow is food making. I am not the person who likes to cook or prepare food for myself. Especially when I am not living with my mom who usually prepares food for the whole family. So I have been experimenting recipes from time to time. Most of the times, they don't turn out good :( InsyaAllah, with a bit more practice, I'll be the next masterchef hahha. Oh! I watched the Junior Masterchef and I was in total awe. MasyaAllah the kids really know their way in the kitchen. RESPECT!
I like this tv programme called Vitamin. It's Korean. I watched it @ KBS world. It's an informative programme which is not too serious :| Heh. Else I'll get bored too soon.
I have been procrastinating for few weeks now. Big bad habit of mine which I am fighting to get over with. Earlier today I woke up earlier than usual and checked out half of my pending tasks. It felt goooood. So easy peasy tasks but took toooooo long to finish. Haish.. I remembered a talk I attended few weeks ago where the speaker mentioned that most people can't get off the M attitude. MALAS n MANJA. Yes I admit I am in the most people crowd. Need to spank my ass a little harder la this time. YOSH!!!!

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