Tuesday, January 4

What The Hell

I watched a movie just now ; Watching the Detectives. Huh, I just realized the title doesn't suit the storyline :|
Anyhu..Lucy Liu was the lead actress. I knew her from Charlie's Angel, resembling the asian, martial art-sy, cold yet sexy kinda girl. But in the Watching the Detectives, she is nothing like 'Alex'. She's like the girl next door fun kinda girl, which i like. Actually, the info Astro provided describing her was a femme fatale :| I rarely use that word so dun rili know what it means (before I googled of coz) :|
Oh and she has this tv aquarium thingy. Cute ar. So Hani/Nathan, saye sokong korang build the aquarium :P

Oh! go la n watch this movie. very relaxing n fun n tah hape2 movie. my mos fav genre so far :P

Avril released the new single. Hmm, I love her but not the new song tho :|

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