Sunday, February 20


Few months back I had little trouble with my license and it crashed my laptop. So I had to reformat it and this time I use the original version. Yes, do buy original people! Pirated ones are big time pain in the ass.
So obviously most of the things inside my laptop were gone. Sad.. yes but what to do. Serves me right for using pirated cds :( ( After soooo many years, this is my first time having trouble using pirated boohoo)
I managed to save the work stuff ( and I am glad I'd be able to) but had to sacrifice all the files fall under entertainment, and that includes all my pictures from last few years, most of my tv series ( I saved some in my portable hdisk), and all of my songs. Sigh~ And what use of a laptop if not having all this entertainment files right???
Thank god there's facebook where I uploaded many many albums so I can still have my pictures. I have many friends who shares the same interest of tv series so they're my backups :D And as for songs, there are soooo downloadable nowadays. Jyeahhh~!
I click on few radio stations' website. Download most of the songs that are on top of the chart huhu. So I came across this song called Goodbye by Paperplane Pursuit and immediately love it. I think they're Malaysian. Huhu. Malas mahu google. But sedap la the lagu. Suke2~


Have u heard of KLS? If you haven't, please wake up people! Google her or whatever.
I super love her show. I love how she tries to be a bz bizwoman and a fab mom haha. I love how she wants to be in control with everything she does, and wanting things to be done her way. Respect la that woman hoh.


Ok now my bimbo moment. I was never a fan of Allahyarham Sudirman. Pardon me, but I was too young to listen to his songs when he was still alive, and there was not much exposure of him by my family ( or people around me). My housemate however is a big fan. There's this documentary of Sudirman on Hist Channel, so I watched it with her. And then only I know One Thousand Million Smiles was his song. I thot it was some orang puteh's song ; Elton John or Eric Clapton or whoever haha.

Oh crap. I thot I want to sleep before 12. Crap! Gnite!

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