Sunday, February 13

Mari Lepak

I am officially announcing that I have found my most expensive favourite place to hang out, which is the KLIA. I have realized it long time ago but only now deciding to make it black n white (yes my laptop is black in color and the screen is white :| ). Why?
1) I know I have not been to many airports so I am going to make comparisons with those I have visited. And yes, KLIA is one of the coolest. It's new and modern and everything that is hip :P
2) I love to watch people. Where else can you find variety of faces at a time? AIRPORT definitely!!!
3) It's spacious! Even when it is crowded haha.
4) I love planes. Since I can't be at the hangar without proper permission, KLIA is good enough :|
5) The feeling I have when going to KLIA the first time was a happy feeling far as I could remember. So everytime I go there, I always feels good and happyy :)

But please, do stuff yourself with food before going to KLIA as the food is totally not worth it to buy :| That is the only downside of KLIA. oh! if possible ask someone to drop you off or go get on a bus to get to KLIA. Would save a lot of money on parking :)
Nevertheless, I still love KLIA :x

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