Friday, September 1

Happy 49th Wee~

I was doing this quizzes (??!) about How Malaysian Are You and How UnMalaysian Are You. Here's I scored on being truly Malaysian ---> Your score : 31 out of 45
You’re there, but there’s plenty of room for improvement. To start off your journey to becoming a true red-yellow-and-blue Malaysian, make sure you don't forget those little Malaysian flags that purebreds stick on their cars on Merdeka day.

And here's what I get on the unMalaysian quiz--->Congratulations Irna Izura Ishak , you are 45% not Malaysian.

I wasn't proud nor sad. I dun think by doing these kind of quizzes(??!) will judge how I really am and prove how truly Malaysian I became. As far as I'm concern, I was born in Malaysia, I live in Malaysia, I studied in Malaysia (so far :D), I prefer Malaysian food more than anything, I speak Malay fluently and I do know English(and a little French kih kih)...
I guess that shows enough how Malaysian I really am.
Plus, the questions asked include those what Malaysians' 'x senonoh' habit, get it? How would I want to score perfectly?? I'm not saying that I'm perfect in doing things, just that I was born in a well-mannered family, I was never taught to be a 'hamsap' girl Heh.

Trying really hard to be Malaysians is not what we want today, but just being the
honest-good-you what matters the most. Stop being selfish or self-centered or whatever behaviour that makes you look less like a human. That's what Malaysians nowadays mostly are. Well, who am I to be judging but it's the free country right? I have all the rights to say or write anything I want. La la la...
Anyways, wishing everybody a Happy Merdeka. KERANAMU MALAYSIA!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm a great malaysian living in malaysia :D