Wednesday, September 27

Ramadan Al-Mubarak

Ramadan has come. I got to celebrate the first day at home. Even tho most of the time I don't really cherish being at home with my family (heh), but this is different. The feeling is not the same as when you celebrate it with friends, here in Cyberjaya.

The exams is near yet I dun feel like getting into the studying mode. Being at home for a few days, loitering and lazying has got me into a super pemalas person. I went to the library, but I dun fully utilize my time there (as if Im there long enuff to study 1 whole chapter Haha)

I love watches. I love collecting them so much. Tak kire la whether they are branded or not, as long as they are fancy to look at Haha.. Lately, 3 of my watches is not functioning properly. It wasn't a big deal, tapi asal 3 sekaligus?? The major problem is that all 3 of them may haf run out of batteries and I hate buying batteries :)) So anyone who is willing to buy me a new watch would get a very-never-ever-been-seen-big-smile-EVER! Hehe
Oh I just remembered...Some people promised me to buy me a new tali jam but until now x dak apa2 pon... :P



Anonymous said...

u've got a new watch already .. tak elok membazir di bulan ramadhan :p .. in addition .. ur new watch is purple .. yet so cun la .. and branded .. why ask more :p

Anonymous said...

saye sokong jam_kaki!!! ahahaha

irizis said...

I COLLECT watches. Dah name collect, kene la bnyk2. Eishk~!