Wednesday, October 4

»My Lollipop«

Currently listening to It Ain't Me Babe by Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon
>jiwang mode< I was reading a friend of mine's blog about her missing her boyfriend. Pity her.
Lucky me, he is always here :P. I see him everyday, several times. Nevertheless, I still miss him sometimes.:(
A few people did question me, won't I get bored seeing him everyday? If we are newly-coupled, that shouldn't be an issue. But we are 1 year ++. That is quite a long period to me. We had had our ups and downs, all the laughs and tears. Try being an engineering student studying your ass of to finish another 1 year. Then you'll realize 1 year is a whole lot of time.
Anyway, I never get bored seeing him every single day. In fact, I always excited meeting him eventho it was just for a few seconds. It doesn't ended there. Thanks to the sophisticated life of cyber world, we have Y!m. So hypothetically(?!!) I am with him all the time. Haha..
But next month, he will be away doing his internship. It will be in KJ. Not that far from here, but still, it's gonna be hard to see him or chat with him. Probably he will be overload with office stuff during the day, and get too tired at night. Looks that I'm gonna be like the friend of mine, missing the boyfriend who went for internship :P

Actually, I was supposed to write about him. Not about me missing him or anything. (He asked me to do it:P) But I really dun haf the idea of what to write. So I just blab with no reason Haha..Dun worry babe, I sure write an entry about just you someday :*


Anonymous said...

your bf .. he must be really handsome .. thats why u always wanted to see him .. and always miss him .. well u know .. good-looking men always melt down women's heart

irizis said...


Azwa Amira said...

i can smell sarcasm in here..

irizis said...

Peace Azwa Amira :)>-

Farah Haida said...

Missing bf who went for internship? hmm, right... What about missing bf who is nearly 14000km apart? heheh. Well, I do agree that u wont get bored seeing him everyday (though I could rarely experience that. Maybe shd get married early, then can see him everyday. Hmm... ) Ur Mr. asked for an entry? Haha. That's funny. Very manje of him. Let's see. Idea to write about him... like how u guys met? No... What abt what makes u fall in love with him? hehe. Excuse my babbling. I'm extra bored.

irizis said...

Haha..Thanks for the ideas Far.Bukan manje tu, gedik! Peace Babe :*