Tuesday, October 10

5 Perkara

Cyan asked me to do this. Being a luvly-hawt-cun-nak-mampos-cute-kind hearted-me, here goes:-

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:

1. Shopping dan Shopping!!!
2. Vacationing!!!
3. Main Saham..like the real thing B-)
4. Simpan
5. Kasi ayahanda dan bonda dan dinda2

5 bad habits:

1. Do something when only I intend to do eventho actually I really haf to do :|
2. Tido eventho x ngantok erk:|
3. Burp in public (I know Emi didn't like it :P)
4. Kutuk orang!
5. People say that I am sombong..their first impressionla Hm..

5 things I hate doing:

1. At first, I want to do the 'thing', but then when someone ask me to do exactly the 'thing' that I'm planning to do before I do the 'thing', I won't do it. Get it? Ok Whatever
2. Studying
3. Ajar orang bnyk2 kali tapi x pandai2 gak(heh!Tiru kau ar Cyan)
4. Balik kampong:(
5. Fixing something that is broken (or getting it fixed)

5 things I will never do:

1. Study Medicine.
2. Leave Malaysia for good.
3. Kawin dgn Datuk K :))
4. Prostituting :|
5. Kurang Hajar ngan Mak Bapak

5 things I regret doing:

1. X Blaja betol2
2. I ***** *y *e**
3. I've t**tt~
4. I was *** %^ !@#@$# I $@% ***ore
5. X balaja betol2 lagi Sigh~!

5 favourite toys or things:

1. TV (eventho now been too busy to watch :( )
2. My nokia 6230 (walaupon da buruk)
3. Eton :P
4. Calculator (Kalau hilang, mau seratus tahun beb I nangis :-j)

5. Is room considered as thing?

5 people I choose to do this:

1. II
2. Pomp
Faizal Iman
4. Azwa
5. Watie


Anonymous said...

if u were a millionaire .. takkan tak nak hulur kt i skit kot :(

irizis said...

Duit aku..duit aku..duit kau duit aku jugak Muahahaha [gelak evil]

Anonymous said...

"irizis said...

Duit aku..duit aku..duit kau duit aku jugak Muahahaha [gelak evil]"

...macam selalu dgr bende nih. :(

Anonymous said...

5 things people have to know about me:

1. I'm always broke. Totally support the 5th point if u somehow became a millionaire

2. I couldnt understand why one has to hate balik kampung.

3. Orang ajar aku chemistry banyak kali cemane pon, tak pandai2 jugak

4. Aku adalah species pemalas yg jarang dijumpai di bumi.

5.As much as i'm honoured to be in the chosen list, i just won't do it. (*refer point 4)

Anonymous said...

1. X Blaja betol2
2. I ***** *y *e**
3. I've t**tt~
4. I was *** %^ !@#@$# I $@% ***ore
5. X balaja betol2 lagi Sigh~!

apo kobondo nyo??