Monday, September 6


listening to mraz.
i love dis man so much. i love his songs even more.
an ex collegue even address me as his biggest fans. and only because i went to his concert haha.
not THE biggest fan, but I AM a big fan :P

Anyway, raya is coming. Yesterday was raya prep day. Fun :)
Haven't done any raya shopping yet. I mean apart from the baju raya that is :P
I will be simple this raya.
Not yet to be spending as I want. Not just yet...

Daddy, like previous years, went to Mecca alhamdulillah.
We will be going back to Pilah this coming wednesday insyaAllah.
So far, not feeling the raya mode yet eventho radios haf been playing multiple raya songs.
oh! and what's with the TV3's raya commercial? WEIRD!

The other day, went terawih at a masjid. The imam was good. I enjoyed how he recite the Quran. Beautiful.
At a sentence (or 2), he cried. I was touched. At that time, I regret of not learning Arabic.
Well, I did learn Arabic during primary schools. But all I can remember is DIKUN=chicken.
Seriusly, I dunno why that is the most unforgettable word of all :|
Ok, I still remember how to count in arabic (up to 10 :| ) and some really basic stuff, but that's it.
Allah's will, I would want to take Arabic Communication Class :)

Watched Jejak Rasul, the episode on Islam, Christian and Jews.
Israel=Hamba yang menjadi pilihanNya.
Israel=Nabi Yaakub.

Interesting fact indeed.
For these past years, I have been reciting the Quran.
It's time to learn the Quran thoroughly.

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