Saturday, April 15

Sushi King

Women always late. They were never punctual. Everyone knows that. So why some people has to questioned this? Why 'I Dun Understand Why You Are Late' question must popped into some people's mouth when supposedly everyone should know women always late? Sigh~-

People do crazy things when they are mad, when they are angry at something or someone. Yeah, I've been there before. But why does 'Think Before You Act' phrase ever existed if there are not meant for what it means :| Think wisely before you do something stupid. There are other different things to manage your anger.Hmmm...

I know i've been craping and toshing, but it is 8.14 in the morning and I didn't just woke up early in the morning and suddenly thinking of blogging, but I haven't sleep for the night. Crap~'


Anonymous said...

women always late. very true. but men sometimes late too. not always, but still, has at least once, been late. n we can always tolerate with watever excuses they haf. even it's 1 hour late. but they can't seem to wait another few more minutes for days of good times. they're just born with perfect physical and emotion. only lack of patience.

irizis said...

WootWoot~ U get it girl!

Anonymous said...

mintak maaf kerana mencelah.bukan utk mempertahankan kaum saya tetapi sekadar satu atau dua puluh minit .. tiada ape2 .. tp kalo sejam lebih .. tertanya jugak .. kenapa lambat .. dan kalo bende itu melibatkan event ape2 yg memerlukan kite berasa di sane pada mase tertentu .. soalan itu berlegar-legar di kepala .. maaf andai kata komen di pojok ini mengguris perasaan sesetgh pihak

Kamen Drummer said...

masalahnye pompuan SELALU lambat! everytime mesti lambat apesal??? kenape kena lambat? susah sgt ke nk punctual? saya tak brape setuju dgn phrase "women always late". saya rasa "MALAY women ALWAYS late!" ni baru betul! rasa tertampar??? terimalah hakikat.

Anonymous said...

yer, so lelaki, terimelah hakikat.

Anonymous said...

Wa suka juga lambat.manyak lambat.kawan2 wa pon itu macam.