Friday, April 28


At 1++pm, mummy called. She gave me a news that was a bit shocking and I was and still am sad :( It's our cat. If you read my previous entry, I did mention about him. He seldom comes home, barely home actually. Lately, he did come back but he didn't recognise any of us. He ran when Idayu tried to give him his favourite food, he never answers when anyone calls him. He is very thin and doesn't look healthy. I told mum to bring him to see the doctor, but he kept running away, it is hard to catch him. He came, just to sleep under the car. Cikcim thought he was bitten by a snake, no one knows and now the venom has poisoned him and maybe damaged his brain. I dun know :( A very dear friend of mine told me his story when I shared mine. He too had a cat long ago. Then the cat didn't come back until 1 day he did came, but with body full of ulat. In the end, the cat died being eaten by the ulat2. Sad huh? I was never fond of cats, but our cat is the only cat that I love so dearly [But still afraid to hold him Haha]. He is like my best friend, a very good listener. He listens to every of my babling but never say anything, not even a Meoww...

Ayahanda wants to organize a kenduri on 1st May but I'm not able to come as I still have assignment due on the 2nd. So, now he's not sure whether to still having the kenduri. Hate being a 'penghalang' Sigh~

All this while, deep down I know that I'm very stingy and possessive but I keep on denying them. This few days, I just realize that I am totally what I think I am. Haha! So there you go, the bad side of me. So people, just bare with me. I'm not that bad actually :| Just dun take whatever is mine, or think of borrowing them from me, or touch them, or look at, let alone stealing them from me. Blanje...tgk time ar. See, I'm not that bad rite? :D


Anonymous said...

You are not bad my dear. You are the greatest lady i ever known. And of course, you are not kedekut too. Your generosity help me a lot esp membuncitkan perut i :|. When ppl not in the mood, u know, the mood swing, is normal to get angry etc. No matter how "high" u swing, i always be here for u :D

And for meoww .. poor him..

And for kenduri, if it happens, ajak la i .. dah lame i tak makan kenduri, perut pun dah kempis ni :(

irizis said...

Just now u were saying about perot buncet, then suddenly it got kempis so fast???:-o

Anonymous said...

wahai Meowth,

Dah lame kau hidup. Tak tahu bile habisnye. Kalau Allah nak, mase ekor kau putus dulu, die dah tarik nyawe kau. Tapi telah ditakdirkan kau menjadi kucing yg paling mahal kos hidupnya di Melaka.

Oleh itu, baliklah dan bergembiralah, meowth. Sementare mase masih ade. Semoge kembali sihat sepeti dulu kala.

Kajian Dato Dr Fadzilah Kamsah menyatakan, walaupun kalau kite sampaikan sesuatu di angin lalu, [sebut name subjek dan fikirkan rupenye], insyaAllah, wave tu akan sampai pada subjek. Allahu'alam

Anonymous said...

kau mmg kedekut. dr dulu lg aiya tauh. kite tkleh expect sume org jadk pemurah. tk adventurous ah. haha. tapi jgn jadik cam my current rumet dah la. so sickening. erkhhh. oh demn i haf a hawt gossip!!!

ala siannyer meow. pujukla die elok². :(