Friday, November 24

Héäv¥ Ðütÿ

What happen when you dun haf any classes the whole day?
You tend to be:
a) super lazy
b) sleep most of the time
c) get rid of the laundries
d) 'spic and spanning' your room

My honest answer would be A,C and 2 hours of B.
Yerp, I'm fucking lazy to study rite now. Hence, the existence of this entry.
I sleep from 5 to 7 pm. And yes, I had headache :(
The laundry part is a must or else I won't haf much undies left to wear :|

What makes it even worse?
a) Have quiz early tomorrow morning
b) Lost your pencil case
c) Haf the lab session
d) Hate morning classes

The answer for this one would be A, C and D
Today I'm super lazy. And I haf quiz at 8 the next morning!! What the??!!
Plus, the lab session is on-the-spot evaluation. Dem~
Friday is the only morning class for this semester. And this is the first time of the semester the lecturer decided to haf it. URgh~!

Oh! Dan saye Héäv¥ Ðütÿ sekarang ini!! Dag Dang~!

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