Sunday, November 26


It's Sabtuday.
It's the weekend.
It's the holiday.
Most of the time it's Wee~

But not today's Sabtuday.
I was awaken from a stupid dream,
by a phone call,
from them.
Saying that they will be going
to EGYPT!!!

I hate holidays when it doesn't involve me.
It is sad as they are trying as hell to ask me to join them.
But if I were to join them,
It will be a 4 days of skipping class.
I hate this kinda holidays!!

I sooooo want to go to Egypt!!!


h e e j a u said...

pomp. i think u better go to egypt. tak acila sume org pegi except kau. go pomp go.

afterall, ive long for gifts. :P

irizis said...

Since you support me, i'll get u something. Tu pon kalau jadi pegi :-s

Anonymous said...

i pun support u gak .. :D