I haf a fren. A very close fren. Dis fren has eyes like the elephant. You can just see the resemblance but I dun haf his eyes pic upclose tho. But believe me, it IS the same. Bak kate pepatah 'saling tak tumpah' :D Anyways, lately his stomach has been expanding from day to day. Now it's like a perot gajah. Just look at the gamba on the right corner. You can't really see it as the t-shirt covers the whole thing up :|. You've becoming an elephant without u knowing it dear. And u're still denying it. What can I say...
For me la, eventhou his eyes and stomach are same like gajah's, but u should be thankful because well.. he is tough and good looking man, and having a body like him is every man's dream..faizal iman .. you are the man ..
Oh my God!! I feel like vomiting!!!
i agreed with kodek .. i admire faizal iman since i was in my mom's tummy .. he is so damn nice .. what else do u want when you have someone like him by ur side .. like .. the world is urs .. oh faizal iman .. aku mencintaimu ..
Well so-called-secretadmirer, he's all urs. U can haf him :|
woo woo woo .. igt i ni barang dagangan ke :| .. saye tau .. dunia ni indah sgt ..
wakakaakakkaa :))
ape jadah la plak nih.
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